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Maya Dance Theatre - Donor Engagement Plan

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Key Topics

Donor Engagement, Donor Cultivation, Dance & Theatre, Non-Profit, Donor life cycle


Sep - Nov 2022

Maya Dance Theatre (MDT), founded in 2007, is a nonprofit professional dance theatre company based in Singapore. MDT is one of the few arts organisations that provide an accessible platform for People with Disabilities (PWDs). The Diverse Abilities Dance Collective (DADC), created in 2018 under MDT, empowers PWD through career training courses — the only organisation to do so — and opportunities to perform and run said performances. Another core feature of MDT is its use of storytelling and dance to facilitate conversations around sensitive social issues through projects such as PANCHA. With a primary focus on promoting socially-driven works, it is crucial to ensure that how MDT engages with its donors reflects its values.

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